10. I’m going to admit you to the hospital for observation.
9. I’m going to remove your gallbladder and appendix.
8. We’re going to put you in ICU so we can monitor you better.
7. You’re fever is very high; we may need to put ice on you.
6. We’re about to Careflight you to Medical City in Dallas.
5. I’m about to insert the Foley Catheter.
4. You may need a heart assist device.
3. We need to put you on a breathing machine.
2. I’m going to put a central line into your heart so we can have better access.
1. You have a virus that’s causing your heart to function at only 20%.
Nancy says
AAAACCCKKK!!!! Scary stuff.
Now how about the Top 10 BEST things you heard? Like, we DON’T need to put the device in your heart, we DON’T need to put you on a breathing machine, you’re clear to return to life!!!
AND of course, there’s all your friends who love you…:) AND all the good food I’m sure you’ve had! WOO HOO!!!