Mentoring Readiness Assessment Leading others through growth is the role of a mentor. I believe anyone can be a mentor; unfortunately, not everyone naturally has the skills. But you can learn. The following assessment will measure your current mentoring level along three pivotal skills. Master these three areas and you can lead people through life-long learning whatever their season. Enter your name and email address below to begin the assessment. By the way, we will never sell or give away your information.First Name*Please provide your email address* We'll send a copy of your results to this address. The following survey will provide an assessment of your readiness to be a mentor in three major areas. After taking the survey and pressing the submit button, your results will appear. We'll also send a copy of your results to the email address you provided on the previous page. You'll receive feedback on areas to focus for improvement along with recommendations to find more information. The Mentor Readiness Assessment will produce the most authentic results when you answer the questions instinctively.People probably think of me as*toughflexibleI like my work days to be*changeablepreparedI wish my office would offer celebrations*less frequentlymore oftenIt's more important to evaluate people with*justicemercyWhen I plan my personal activities, I am*easygoingorderlyPeople generally see me as a person who is*formalpersonableIn social situations, I usually*hold backjump inMy leisure time is filled with activities that arespontaneousroutineI believe leaders should be more concerned about people's*rightsfeelingsIf I see people in need of assistance, my first instinct is to*avoid themhelp outIn group situations, I like to*followleadMost people would describe me as*privateopenMy friends know that I am*firmgentleAround strangers, I would be described as a*listenerleaderWhen it comes to expressing my feelings, most people probably see me as*guardedcomfortableWhen people I depend on make mistakes, I am typically*patientimpatientIn restaurants, I like to order food that is*differentdependableMost often, I would prefer to attend*a moviea partyWhen I have an emotional conflict, my fuse is usually*shortlongIn an emergency situation, I would likely be*calmanxiousI prefer to express myself to others in ways that are*indirectdirectI am likely to be ruled by*logicemotionWhen in new and unfamiliar situations, I am usually*carefreecarefulIn a festive social situation, I am usually*passiveactiveWhen I am blamed for something I did not cause, my initial reaction is to*listendefendIf I am in a situation in which I lose or am left disappointed, I get*sadmadIf someone came to me in tears, I would probably feel*awkwardat homeMost people see me as*an optimista pessimistPeople usually see me as*uncriticalcriticalIf people were given a forced choice, they would say I was*too quiettoo loudAt the end of a long party, I usually find myselfexhaustedenergizedWhen I work on projects, I am best at getting them*startedcompletedI believe people should approach their work with*dedicationinspirationMy social blunders typically leave me*embarrassedamusedWhen my organization announces a major change, I get*excitedconcernedMost people probably see me as*firmwarmAfter a long day, I like to relax*alonewith othersChange is something to*embraceavoidMy work and social lifeare separateoften overlap Δ Have You Seen Some of My More Popular Articles? Sorry. No data so far.