Above my desk at work are three pictures of different guitars. Each one represents a significant shift in my skill level. They reflect endless hours of practice, moments of frustration, and seasons of excitement. When I look at those pictures, they remind me of where I’ve been, and where I am now. They paint a picture of movement.
Leaders are in a constant state of growth; and every point of significant change receives a mental snapshot of the moment. Good leaders become a museum of internal artwork–each piece representing key life moments of leadership growth. Not every picture is positive; but together, they tell a necessary story.
Don’t bury that horrible leadership moment in the recesses of your mind. Remember and celebrate it, because you learned that day. You became a different leader. This is your path of leadership and is marked by the images and memories hung on your life’s walls. The issue is not whether we’ve had these experiences in life; we all have. The issue is whether we remember and learn from them.
What are some of the pictures you can share from your growth as a leader? Be sure to leave a comment here.
Cindy Snyder says
“Not every picture is positive; but together, they tell a necessary story.”
Sigh. How I wish, from time to time, that leadership growth was different from other things in my life, and I guess it is because it seems to bring more poignant lessons. Each time I have a moment of growth the positive ones seem over in a moment and the negative ones tend to linger in my mind far too long. But the important thing is: “The issue is whether we remember and learn from them.” and that the lessons we learn are the ones God is trying to teach us.
Robb says
Great comment, Cindy! I understand how you feel about the negative leadership moments. I feel the same way a lot. I’m trying to change my perspective of those moments so that I can look past the actual moment to see God’s lesson.