How Close I Was…

This poor little girl suffered nearly the same symptoms I had, and was diagnosed with the identical illness.

From Fox News, Monday, May 19, 2008

A 16-year-old Canadian girl has died after a virus that started out as the “stomach flu” invaded her heart, Montreal-based newspaper The Gazette is reporting.

Karèle Galaise-Séguin, 16, of Granby, Quebec, died Friday night at the Montreal Children’s Hospital after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage.

The teen battled a rare disease for three weeks called myocarditis, which is caused by a viral infection that reaches the heart and inflames the heart muscle.

Galaise-Séguin’s illness began as a stomach flu, The Gazette reports. After her condition did not improve in more than two days, her parents took her to the emergency room at Granby Hospital where she was diagnosed with a rapid pulse and dehydration.

She was transferred to Montreal Children’s Hospital where she suffered heart failure. She was put on a heart-lung machine and was awaiting a heart transplant when she died, according to the report.

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