A guitar is an instrument of leadership. With it, you can direct thousands–even millions–along the path of a melody. When the guitar leads, people know when they are off key, out of rhythm, or just plain singing the wrong song. It guides them gently and unwaveringly through the meat of every note and helps them to land softly at the song’s conclusion.
In order for a guitar to be an instrument of leadership, it must be tuned correctly. Every guitar string works in harmony with the others to produce the right tone. If any string is out of alignment, the rest know and call attention to the weak part.
When you lead, you establish a rhythm and song that those around you can follow. You even establish the key. Leadership isn’t about being in front, it’s about establishing the framework that enables everyone else to play along.
And within every leader are strands that must harmonize to produce a quality tone. Your priorities, your schedule, your goals, your purposes, your times of rest–and more–are all strings that contribute to the overall sound with which you lead. When even one of them is out of whack, the people around you will sense it, no matter how hard you try to suppress it.
What sounds is your leadership instrument producing? Do you have any other musical metaphors that tell the story of leadership? You can leave a comment here.