UPDATE: This download is no longer available. Sorry…
Last year I taught a class in Gateway Equip that went in-depth about my heart failure. I told my story, related my fear throughout the situation, and described leadership lessons I learned after the experience.
Today I want to begin giving part of that class away. That’s right, it’s free. While it was originally two hours in length, I’ve shortened the teaching down to the best 30 minutes and I’m making it available for free.
To access the mp3 download, simply fill out the form below.
Why am I giving this mp3 away for free?
- I love telling my story. I dealt with a lot of fear through my trial. Experience has taught me that many others struggle with the same kind of fears. I want my story to be a source of encouragement for you.
- I love leadership. As a growing leader, I want good stories I can share. As a help to leaders, here’s a really good story to include in your leadership toolbox.
- I love the Bible. When the mp3 downloads, you’ll not only hear my story but solid Bible teaching about how we can fight against our spiritual enemy. This is one of my favorite parts of the story. We don’t fight alone or in isolation against trial and difficulty. God has given tools for victory.
In addition to the free mp3, you’ll receive one email each time I post a blog update. Currently I post about once or twice a week, so my emails won’t swamp you.
The services I use are awesome at protecting your email address. It will NEVER be sold or used for spam.
If you already receive my email updates, send a message to robb@wordpress-1236720-4422479.cloudwaysapps.com and I’ll send you a link to the mp3 downloads area.
I hope you enjoy my story, and the lessons I’ve learned through the experience.
What stories of victory have you heard recently?